Kata kata undangan pernikahan
Kata kata undangan pernikahan

Kata Benda Tunggal & Jamak (Singular & Plural Nouns)

  • The names of days,months, &holidays are proper nouns.
  • Capitalize each important word in a proper noun: Fourth of July.
  • Proper Nouns:In May, Jen saw a penguin from Africa. Common Nouns:You can see penguins at some zoos. A proper noun names aparticular person, place, or thing.
  • A common noun names any person, place, or thing.
  • Compound Sentence:I rode my bike to Dan’s house, and we rode to the park. Simple Sentence:I rode my bike to Dan’s house.

    kata kata undangan pernikahan

    A compound sentencecontains two simple sentences joined by a comma &a word such as and, but,or or. A simple sentence has one subject &one predicate.Exclamations can express feelings such as surprise, anger, or excitement.Exclamations begin with a capital letter &end with an exclamation mark. Commands usually end with periods.The subject of a command is you(The word you is not written or said, but it isunderstood). Exclamation:What a big sandwich that is! A sentence thatshows strong feelings is an exclamation. A sentence that tells someone to do something is a command.

    kata kata undangan pernikahan

    Perintah & Ungkapan Kekaguman (Commands & Exclamation) A questionbeginswith a capital letter&ends with a question mark.

  • A statement begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.
  • A sentence that asks something isa question.
  • A sentence that tells something is a statement.
  • Pernyataan & Pertanyaan (Statements & Questions)

    kata kata undangan pernikahan

    The market has many interesting things.The complete predicate is underlined twice. All the words in the predicate are called the complete predicate.In the following sentence, the complete subject is underlined once. The predicate is the sentence part that tells what the subjectisor does.

    kata kata undangan pernikahan

    All the words in the subject are calledthe complete subject. Thesubject is the sentence part thattells whom or what the sentence is about. Kalimat: rangkaian kata yang minimal berpola S + V & diakhiri tanda baca (.An incomplete sentence is called afragment. It begins with acapital letter &ends with apunctuation mark.

    Kata kata undangan pernikahan